I was quoted in this article in The Hill, talking about the dual proposals from Senator Josh Hawley (R-MO) and from the Department of Justice, on content moderation. As you can probably tell, I (along with anybody that’s spent more than 2 hours in this area of tech policy) am not a fan of either.
Tag: legislation
Link: Brookings – Online content moderation lessons from outside the US
I wrote, along with Bruna Santos, from Brazil’s Coding Rights, a piece for Brookings Institution’s TechTank, highlighting the diverse ways in which other countries (outside the US) handled legislation on content moderation.
Link: GIS Watch 2019 – AI and the Judicial in Latin America
Alongside my colleague Franco Giandana, I co-wrote a report on Latin America for the 2019 Edition of the Global Information Society Watch focusing on the Judicial aspect, both how AI is seen and how it’s being integrated.
Link: SFChronicle Op-Ed on Facebook’s “Supreme Court”
I wrote an op-ed in the San Francisco Chronicle about the recently-released final charter for Facebook’s External Oversight Board, or as it is called by some, its “Supreme Court”, and how it’s just an empty gamble in the crucial online content moderation space.