For Techdirt’s Tech Policy Greenhouse, I wrote a longer, more conceptual piece about the disconnect between what communication technology platforms can do and what we’re asking them to do, and a longer argument about humanity and our nature woven throughout.
Tag: facebook
Facebook’s Oversight Board Can’t Intervene, So Stop Asking
This post originally appeared on Techdirt with the title Facebook’s Oversight Board Can’t Intervene, So Stop Asking: As Facebook employees stage a digital walk-out and make their thoughts known about the social media giant’s choice to not intervene in any way on “political posts”, especially those of President Donald Trump, some have called for the newly-created Oversight Board to step up…
An in-depth look at Facebook’s Oversight Board
This post originally appeared on the Georgia Tech School of Public Policy’s Internet Governance Project blog titled: Facebook’s Oversight Board: A toothless Supreme Court? A week and a half ago Facebook released its final charter for the Oversight Board it intends to create to tackle its content moderation problems. The charter spells out exactly how it would work,…
Link: SFChronicle Op-Ed on Facebook’s “Supreme Court”
I wrote an op-ed in the San Francisco Chronicle about the recently-released final charter for Facebook’s External Oversight Board, or as it is called by some, its “Supreme Court”, and how it’s just an empty gamble in the crucial online content moderation space.
Link: WSJ Op-Ed on “Content Moderation”
I co-authored, alongside Danielle Tomson, Director of the Personal Democracy Forum, an op-ed in the Wall Street Journal, proposing the inclusion of the multistakeholder ethos of transparency, cooperation and user input, into the very complex issue of content moderation, as part of the conversation over the Alex Jones banning.