Link: R Street Blog – Regulating Big Tech Around the World: EU and U.K. Competing Approaches to Co-regulatory Mechanisms

For the R Street Institute, I wrote an analysis of how the European Union and the United Kingdom are using similar co-regulatory mechanisms in regulating tech companies, but are doing so in very different ways, which shows the general flexibility of these mechanisms.

Link: Brookings – The Digital Services Act’s lesson for U.S. policymakers: Co-regulatory mechanisms

For Brookings Institution’s TechTank, I wrote about the innovation in the DSA, and how one particular piece, co-regulatory mechanisms, can be a great way to start thinking through platform governance issues in the United States.

Link: Brookings – Four lessons for U.S. legislators from the EU Digital Services Act

For Brookings Institution’s TechTank, Bruna Santos and I wrote an overview of the EU Digital Services Act proposal, and the lessons US (and other) policy makers can learn from it, in terms of intermediary liability. This is the third in our series of articles on intermediary liability legislation, after an in-depth look at the legislative reform proposals…